The Facilities Planning workshop is designed for churches and faith-based organizations that are beginning to think about designing or redesigning facilities. This activity utilizes foresight methodologies as a catalyst for thinking differently about building priorities and design. It is intended to provoke discussion about program and facility needs for the future and how today’s investment will impact the next generation.
Organizations tend to be more successful in looking ahead five, ten, or twenty years when they first look backward an equivalent number of years. This activity is designed to help leaders map changes in their organization’s past, to gain wisdom and momentum to plan forward. back to roadmap
Trends and Emerging Issues
The purpose of this activity is to stimulate robust small group conversations about faith in the future. The primary intention is to interrupt normal patterns of thinking in order to consider how we might apply scripture and faith to formidable challenges that await us just beyond the horizon. back to roadmap
Creative Spaces
This activity is intended to stimulate forward thinking about uses and design of various physical spaces. Its purpose is to help challenge current assumptions and explore new mental models in preparation for planning new or re-imagining existing facilities. As a group activity, it will help build a shared understanding of the best use of spaces. back to roadmap
Preferable Future
The purpose of this activity is to create a shared vision through a participative process that motivates participants to work toward its fulfillment. back to roadmap
This activity adds substance to your vision by translating your preferable future into concrete ideas. ‘Imagine’ is an organizing activity to provide structure for generating a wide array of ideas. It is a blend of creative imagination and the practical considerations of commercial construction. back to roadmap
Alternatives Assessment
This activity provides a logical structure for analyzing options. It is a catalyst for robust discussion of strategic alternatives. Use it to review and appraise the variety of design ideas you have generated. It will also help participants begin to visualize what the future design could look like. back to roadmap
Best Path Forward
This activity offers participants the chance to assign their personal ‘value’ to each design idea, resulting in a prioritized list that reflects the group’s shared values. The intention is to choose the best potential path forward from an array of identified opportunities. back to roadmap